Over sized: The new fun size?

No, I don't mean you have to add ten kilo's to your weight in order to get extra warmth and padding silly =P If you see these girls walking down the street looking as comfortable as anything, wearing what looks like some sort of blanket. Odds are not only are they comfortable but they are also WARMER. Admit it, how many times have we stayed in bed thinking what it would be like to go out in not only our pjs but take our whole blanket with us, if we could? If you say never, you're lying....or you may already have an over sized cardi or jumper.

The over-sized cardi and jumper are multi-purposed. For starters, it's the new "in" thing for this winter and especially in these rustic reds, tans, mustard and browns the warm colours help brighten the depressing weather. The largeness of the material is literally supposed to make it look as though you're petite amongst all the fabric without making it seem as though you're drowning in the material, giving the illusion that you're smaller. So in case you really have added the extra kilos this winter, this kind of outfit/necessity is one to hide away the baggage, while keeping you looking petite, before you shed it off before summer.

Winter is boring enough, make it more interesting. Winter fashion is the most exciting thing about the damn  season and by far produces better clothes then the other seasons (lack of clothing in spring and summer). Go out and get yourself a portable blanket with sleeves. Consider it an investment.