Red, pink, yellow, green, blue and orange are the NEW black.

If you walk past almost every store in your local shopping centre, you'll see the mannequin dressed up as if the cast from Queer Eye for the Straight Guy has invaded it. Even heels have started to range in some serious amount of colours and I say welcome.
A lot of people find that black is the most common colour in their wardrobe and there's nothing wrong with it. However Gucci's Spring Collection, 2011 says that we need to introduce a lot more colour into our lives.

As you can see from the pictures on the left, colour-blocking isn't just putting a bunch of colours together-- because it is possible to make it look like you're wearing your child's colouring in as an outfit. To put it nicely.
Finally something different in fashion that not only has been around for a while however hardly anyone has felt the need to play with colours.

Every woman's inner child has been waiting for this for a long time. It's time to wear those colours that mum said made you look like a prostitute, (or something along those lines.) But remember colour blocking doesn't have to be done full blown like from the Gucci Spring Collection, or as expensive. Wearing a colourful blazer with a colourful pair of shoes is a good start. Maybe even a colourful shirt. Start somewhere, be colourful and let your inner fun child come out to play.

And don't forget to make it extra sassy with a coat of red lippy. Keep it sexy.

Over sized: The new fun size?

No, I don't mean you have to add ten kilo's to your weight in order to get extra warmth and padding silly =P If you see these girls walking down the street looking as comfortable as anything, wearing what looks like some sort of blanket. Odds are not only are they comfortable but they are also WARMER. Admit it, how many times have we stayed in bed thinking what it would be like to go out in not only our pjs but take our whole blanket with us, if we could? If you say never, you're lying....or you may already have an over sized cardi or jumper.

The over-sized cardi and jumper are multi-purposed. For starters, it's the new "in" thing for this winter and especially in these rustic reds, tans, mustard and browns the warm colours help brighten the depressing weather. The largeness of the material is literally supposed to make it look as though you're petite amongst all the fabric without making it seem as though you're drowning in the material, giving the illusion that you're smaller. So in case you really have added the extra kilos this winter, this kind of outfit/necessity is one to hide away the baggage, while keeping you looking petite, before you shed it off before summer.

Winter is boring enough, make it more interesting. Winter fashion is the most exciting thing about the damn  season and by far produces better clothes then the other seasons (lack of clothing in spring and summer). Go out and get yourself a portable blanket with sleeves. Consider it an investment.

World M S Day.

An excuse to pucker up, wear your gorgeous red lippy tomorrow and wear it for a cause!
What better way to show your love and support to those suffering from MS, then by wearing red. IF you haven't got red lippy, you can still be involved. Just wear a red garment or accessory. Just show you care, by what you wear! (It rhymed, I'm sorry).

 Tomorrow is a day to recognise those suffering from this disease and show that we know that it exists and that we care. Red is one of those powerful colours that associates with power and strength, and for that kind of condition these people definitely have that.
So wear something red, or find your red lippy and go out and show your support. You never know who's day it may brighten.

Make a statement. Stand up for MS.

Eye See Technicolour.

When you're not in the mood for the red lippy (and yes, it does happen!) then it's time to mix it up with the eye make up. Doesn't matter what colour your eyes or shape they are, everyone needs a revamp every now and then. When either wearing a simple black dress, to a colourful ensemble, there are plenty of colours to play with.

Applying a different colour from top to bottom can also give off a funky effect. Play around, use soft, pastel colours on top and a more solid colour below to ground the mixture and create texture with your eyes.
Also, if you have blue and green eyes, it's great to use different shades of what your eye colour is to give cat-like illusions. But those with brown eyes, like myself, we can use just as many colours, it just depends on your taste and what you wear it with.

Life was never meant to be boring. Looking good should make you 'feel' good too. So, the next time you plan to go out, instead of painting the town red, be colourful, stand out and demand attention, and leave a statement.

Nail Shattering News,

The beauty with this nail polish is that it's versatile.
Who doesn't like something that you can use over and over again, and make it look different each time? No one. Everyone loves things that are cheap, effective and reusable.
All you need is a base coat colour eg. metallic purple, then covering that colour with the shatter nail polish, which in the photo's case (on the right), is black. Wait a few seconds and before your eyes a unique, cracked pattern will form in front of you.

It's easy to play with colours to suit your mood, outfit for the weekend, or everyday life. You can tone it up or tone it down to suit your workplace or day to day schedule. You'll never find such a versatile nail polish, one that's easily replaceable too, unlike a man *wink*
Psst, don't forget the red lippy, and you'll definitely leave a statement.

Sue Sensi Jewelry; Do you wear protection?

A lot of you may not have heard of this brand of Jewelry.  It's one that not only looks good, but has a certain uniqueness to it that divides it from most other brands. I'm a firm believer that jewelry should reflect who you are as a person or what you aspire to be.
With the Sue Sensi collection you can choose the colour of your bracelet or the bead of your necklace, as well as what symbols of 'protection' you want. With the 'evil eye' on your persons, it is said that whomever wishes you ill, will receive the wrath of the symbol. It's like from a few years ago the 'karma beads'. Sue Sensi jewelry is one of those pieces that not only look good but have meaning.



 With an array of colours and symbols of luck and protection, you'll be with good fortune and style. These pieces are in a wide range of prices, even the cheapest piece is special. So check out her collection on, . It's FREE shipping and you receive your jewelry in 2-3 days. Do you wear protection?

Little Black Dress.

We've all heard the rule: "Every woman should have a little black dress", and it's true. LBD's have so many purposes. A day at the office, school or socialising with friends can almost always turn into a festering feeling of you not knowing what to wear. Which is where the LBD comes in. It may seem that your dress is a little too dressy, but there are ways to dress it down without the dress losing too much value or drawing un-needed attention, (apart from the fact you'll look sexy).
If you haven't already got a blazer in your wardrobe, get one. They're cheap and easily adaptable to dress up or down an outfit. Another alternative, is the oversized t-shirt on top, with a few buttons done up, a waist belt and whether it's work or just a casual day out cute black flats, heels, or knee high boots and you're done! Here's an example.
$29.99 Ally Fashion
$34.95 Cotton On 

$15.95 SES Fashion
Put this small ensemble together and you'll have an outfit ready for whatever situation or place you're heading off to. In the colder season you can add tights to it and some boots. People think that because things cost more, they're better, product wise. In some cases they can be right, but more than likely no better than your average store in Westfields, or a boutique store that's not heard of. You'll be surprised once you look past the name of it. We buy with our eyes, but pay with our wallets.

Red lippy, with love.

Everyone has their yuck days, and that's understandable considering we don't all have professional make up and hair teams on standby as we wake up. In reality we stumble out of bed, either from lack of sleep or being hungover, we make our way to the bathroom, wash our face and put the kettle on. Our rooms end up trashed from having 'nothing to wear', obviously, and find something suitable before being late.
There are people around the world that have no fashion sense, and lucky for them, there are no real 'Fashion Police.'

You don't have to spend a fortune on clothes, jewelry and hair accessories to look good, most of the high-end fashion trends are translated into 'everyday people' spending money.  It's easier to look good then bad these days, even mismatched prints are 'in' now (some I don't agree with), so it's almost impossible to look like shit, though some people still seem to succeed. We live in a superficial world, we base everything from what we see, so it's important to look good.
So next time you've slept through your alarm, twice and have fifteen minutes to get changed and do your make up, before heading out the door. Grab your red lippy from the bottom of your makeup bag, put it on and bam! You're ready to go from shit to chic.

Why red you ask? The colour has symbolism for passion, fire, sex, power and everything with strong emotions. It's something every girl should have. Dare to stand out.