Red lippy, with love.

Everyone has their yuck days, and that's understandable considering we don't all have professional make up and hair teams on standby as we wake up. In reality we stumble out of bed, either from lack of sleep or being hungover, we make our way to the bathroom, wash our face and put the kettle on. Our rooms end up trashed from having 'nothing to wear', obviously, and find something suitable before being late.
There are people around the world that have no fashion sense, and lucky for them, there are no real 'Fashion Police.'

You don't have to spend a fortune on clothes, jewelry and hair accessories to look good, most of the high-end fashion trends are translated into 'everyday people' spending money.  It's easier to look good then bad these days, even mismatched prints are 'in' now (some I don't agree with), so it's almost impossible to look like shit, though some people still seem to succeed. We live in a superficial world, we base everything from what we see, so it's important to look good.
So next time you've slept through your alarm, twice and have fifteen minutes to get changed and do your make up, before heading out the door. Grab your red lippy from the bottom of your makeup bag, put it on and bam! You're ready to go from shit to chic.

Why red you ask? The colour has symbolism for passion, fire, sex, power and everything with strong emotions. It's something every girl should have. Dare to stand out.

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