Nail Shattering News,

The beauty with this nail polish is that it's versatile.
Who doesn't like something that you can use over and over again, and make it look different each time? No one. Everyone loves things that are cheap, effective and reusable.
All you need is a base coat colour eg. metallic purple, then covering that colour with the shatter nail polish, which in the photo's case (on the right), is black. Wait a few seconds and before your eyes a unique, cracked pattern will form in front of you.

It's easy to play with colours to suit your mood, outfit for the weekend, or everyday life. You can tone it up or tone it down to suit your workplace or day to day schedule. You'll never find such a versatile nail polish, one that's easily replaceable too, unlike a man *wink*
Psst, don't forget the red lippy, and you'll definitely leave a statement.

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